How to nail virtual interviews

Video interviews have become essential for employers and job seekers. Platforms like Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom are in regular use and a common way to undertake virtual interviews. So, what’s the secret to acing one? Follow these five simple tips and avoid any hiccups:

  1. Test the technology

Set up well ahead of time and determine which device you feel most comfortable interviewing with, whether that’s your computer, tablet or phone. Make sure your device is fully charged, test your internet connection and download the app you need for your meeting. Familiarise yourself with the program you’re using and consider carrying out a dry run with a friend so you’re comfortable with the software. This will give you confidence.

  1. Treat video interviews like regular interviews

The standard rules of a face-to-face interview still apply so remember to be punctual and prepared. Don’t be afraid to tell the interviewer that you are new to video interviews if you are, as chances are they may be too, and it’s a good icebreaker. Research the business, along with its industry, products and achievements and understand the role fully. You can even put sticky notes around the outside of your monitor so you have prompts to refer to (a brilliant benefit of virtual interviews!). And dress for success. The urge to be less formal because you’re in your own home is understandable, but it might send the wrong message about how interested you are in the role.

  1. Camera, lights, action!

Sit a comfortable distance from your monitor and check that your shoulders and upper chest are visible and that you are centred. Position the camera at eye-level so the interviewers are not looking up your nostrils. This may require placing your laptop on a stack of books or secure your phone to a tripod. Make sure the room’s primary light source is in front of you, not behind you, to create a good-quality image. Place a couple lamps behind the laptop or on either side of the webcam to create the ‘studio lighting’ you need.

  1. Find a suitable location

The best environment to have an interview is in a quiet location with few distractions. Speak to anyone you share a space with in advance to ensure that nobody will walk behind you or make loud noises while you’re in the middle of your discussion. Switch your phone off, block out any outdoor noise and lock the door if need be. Choose a plain, solid-coloured or neutral background. This way the interviewer can focus their attention on you and not what is around you.

  1. Back-up plan

The big day is here and you are almost ready to go! However, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan if technology suffers from any malfunction. Prepare in advance and have the interviewer’s phone number to call should you run into difficulty or connection problems. Apologise and make sure you proactively offer a solution, either to call them and continue by telephone or reschedule. It’s not about the problem but how you deal with it so keep composure and take appropriate action.

Virtual job interviews are a relatively new phenomenon, but follow these tips and you’ll have a greater chance of success. RMS is rooting for you!