New data revealed: 25 to 34- year- olds make the most typing errors

Typing has become an essential skill that all people benefit from having, especially in today’s Covid world.

At Fenetic Wellbeing we recognise the importance of older people learning how to type, and so we created a game to do just that.

Typing to the test helps users improve their typing skills, whilst also improving the part of the brain that functions our memory. So, not only is it a fun game, but it’s a great way to help our cognitive function.

The game has 11 categories, including TV Shows, Music, Cities and Sports. To fire up the brain even more, once you click on a category, you will be given 60 seconds to try and type each word that pops up on the screen correctly. At the end you will be able to enter your name and age to see where you place on the leader board! So, it gets quite competitive.

Each year more categories are added, and for 2020 Fenetic Wellbeing added a Christmas Movie category, created to get people in the Christmas Spirit whilst also helping them improve their typing skills.

With the game receiving large exposure, it uncovered some interesting facts about typing amongst its users. One of the most interesting being that people 55-46 years old make the least typing errors, whilst 25-34-year olds make the most. As the younger generation has more experience with typing on keyboards and phones due to advancing technology they grew up with, you would expect the results to be in favour of 25 to 34-year olds. However, 25-34-year olds still get the highest overall scores, suggesting the age of Millennials are more competitive and are less concerned with accuracy.

With more people now working in an office (or from home), they are required to work from a laptop or computer. Smartphones have also become an integral part of our everyday life, and so texting and messaging has become second nature to us. Typing on a desktop is often more likely in a work scenario, and therefore the need to type efficiently and correctly at work is a reason why people are better at typing on desktop rather than mobile.

If typing is a skill you are still yet to get the hang of, it might be a good idea to start learning. Being able to type efficiently can open so many doors to communicating with other people, whether you are communicating for the purpose of your job or on a personal level.

Typing also improves memory recall and critical thinking, which is particularly beneficial for older adults. Typing encourages users to active new memory muscles that encourage strong cognitive connections that work to enhance overall brain capacity and function. Therefore, the act of typing could have some benefit to those suffering with dementia as it could help to boost short and long-term memory.

Learning how to type on your mobile phone is also essential, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the UK there are over 3 million people over the age of 65 living alone, and often these are the people who have some difficulty using mobile devices. This causes a lack of communication between these adults and their friends and family, as they simply feel like they don’t have the skillset to text on their own phones.

For older people, lack of communication to the outside world can be extremely damaging and can cause the elderly to feel isolated and depressed. So, with this In mind, Fenetic Wellbeing encourage individuals to take part in the Typing to the Test game or to take an online course that will teach you how to use a smartphone correctly.

The post New data revealed: 25 to 34- year- olds make the most typing errors appeared first on HR News.

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