ECTIB: Applying the project collaboration toolkit – Shell UK, wood & Stork Technical Services

1. Problem Statement

How to use the ECITB Project Collaboration Toolkit in order to achieve optimal schedule and cost performance in the delivery of the Brent Bravo Topsides Decommissioning (Lift Preparation) Project through adoption of a collaborative strategy.

2. Aims

  • Use Lessons Learned from Brent Delta Topsides Decommissioning (Lift Preparation) to deliver improvement in project performance.
  • Establish a collaborative project organisation, as guided by the ECITB Project Collaboration Toolkit, aimed at enhanced project delivery efficiency.
  • Evaluate and measure project performance change through utilisation of the PCT.

3. Method

  • Establish a collaborative project environment and set aside traditional culture and working approaches (PCT Phase 1).
  • Form an integrated client and contractor project team from ‘best person’ selections, irrespective of employing entity (PCT Phases 1 & 2)
  • Obtain senior management and project sponsor support for a collaborative project strategy and isolate the project from any corporate organisational bureaucracy.(PCT Phases 1 & 2)
  • Adopt ‘single team’ and ‘one source of truth’ axioms


  • Delivered within an 11 month schedule with improved safety and better quality (less rework).
  • Combination of collaborative strategy and application of lessons learned from Brent Delta experiences resulted in reduction of ‘like for like’ removal preparation costs vs Brent Delta of 70%
  • Through adoption of the ECITB Project Collaboration Toolkit, traditional client and contractor roles and adversarial behaviours were set aside and a collaborative, single team, environment was created which allowed open contribution and innovative thinking in order to support delivery and efficiency achievements.

Total schedule time saved: Project delivered in less than 1 year, compared to several years for Brent Delta

Total cost savings: Cost savings of 70% on ‘like for like’ basis vs Brent Delta

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