With January comes job seekers: how can we make the hiring process more efficient?

January is a hugely busy time for recruiters and HR departments: many people choose the new year as a fresh start and, with that, often comes a new job or change of career path. While it can be a frantic time for businesses, it’s vital that the hiring process isn’t compromised as a result, as businesses will inevitably lose out on the best candidates. Simon Houlton, CEO at reference checking software company IScreenYouScreen has the following tips for perfecting your hiring strategy to make it as efficient as possible.




  1. Be specific with the job description

Recruiters and HR professionals often make the mistake of putting out a general job posting, which fails to specify the exact requirements and details of the role. Many are guilty of copying a general job description off Google, adjusting it slightly and then posting it onto job sites. While this may save some time initially, it will inevitably lead to hundreds of applicants who feel their skills match a very general description and in reality, probably aren’t right for the job.

Avoid this by ensuring your job posting clearly addresses expectations and qualifications of the candidate. This will lead to a smaller but higher quality pool of applicants, which will save a great deal of time in the busy January period.


  1. Pre-screen candidates via video call

Once you have narrowed down your list of candidates for the role, consider adding in a pre-screening step to remove applicants who aren’t right for the job before meeting them. This will keep the hiring process running more efficiently, without wasting the time of executives and allows you to learn more about the candidate.


  1. Make sure your interviews are relevant and thorough

Firstly, it’s essential that the right people are chosen to conduct the interviews – if somebody isn’t a confident interviewer, they won’t get the most from the candidate. Secondly, make sure you ask the right questions. While asking somebody to list their weaknesses is fine, you will probably get a scripted and rehearsed answer. Try to focus more on their experience and skills, as well as how they will fit in to the structure and culture of your business.


  1. Test interviewees to check their skills

It’s all well and good for candidates to state on their CV that they are amazing writers or expert coders, however people often oversell themselves to get a job, meaning companies can end up with underqualified employees for a role. Adding in a short task alongside their interview will allow the candidate to showcase their talent and demonstrate to the employer that they have the skills they are looking for. While this may take a little more time out of the interviewer’s day, it will save a great deal of time and money in the long run, compared to hiring someone who isn’t right for the job.


  1. Check your candidates’ references thoroughly

Many companies forget this step, however it is essential in ensuring the people you are hiring are who they say they are. Without proper and rigorous reference checking, you will reduce the trust and integrity of your business’ hiring process and could well be caught out by dishonest candidates. This will not only waste time but could also cost your company dearly with the expenses of rehiring and training a replacement.

Keeping your reference checking in-house will ensure you can stay in control of the process. IScreenYouScreen are committed to ensuring all files are completed correctly and are fully-compliant, with a database of over 100,000 employers’ contact details. The software sends out automatic emails, chases responses from employers and saves a great deal of time and money for recruiters and HR departments.


Simon Houlton – CEO IScreenYouScreen www.iscreenyouscreen.com


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