5 Reasons Why HR Professionals Should Use Video

Guest Blog by Finja Kruse


Videos have been around for a long time, and there are many reasons for their success. They are adaptable, relatable, engaging, and provide information in an exciting way.  Their range of allocation is diverse and not bound to one specific target group. Formats include explainer videos, personalized videos, tutorials via webinars…the list goes on! This is just one of the reasons why corporations and organizations are using videos in their internal and external communication plans.



Within a company, videos not only assist marketing teams, they also do the trick for HR professionals. After all, video can be a learning substitute for remote workers and large scale training. And if there is a department that is all about people, it is Human Resources.  If you are part of the HR team, you may already be using video to attract talent or convey messages to employees, and maybe you incorporated a video on your website already. If you haven’t, here are 5 reasons why HR professionals should use video.



  • Branding


The company’s image is of immense importance when you want to attract new employees, satisfy current employees and create an engaging and meaningful working environment. Remaining a positive environment and bridging human and corporate bridges are part of strategic responsibilities of HR professionals. Easily created explainer videos can provide you with the tools to introduce your company, your CEO, or mission, vision, and history in an engaging, simple, and reachable way. Instant recognition is powerful and to achieve it, you must be unique and at the top of your game. Why not use video to do just that?



  • Recruitment


Videos functioning as a strategy for recruitment may not be new to you, but did you know that you can also use videos to show your company’s culture and value and hire desirable employees? To do so, your company must stand out from other corporations. While organizations often focus on presenting the company and how employees can add to its value, focusing on attracting experts in the field or prospects with years of experience and knowledge is also extremely valuable. These people likely have a few job offers, so sending personalized videos to the prospect shows the interested party that you put effort into the hiring process, and that you’ve taken the time to create a personal bond that really shows your interest as an employer.



  • Collaboration


Many HR tasks can be supported, streamlined, and optimised using video. Enterprises may use video collaboration in a number of ways to gain the highest return. As HR bridges the gap between business outcomes and human experiences, video collaboration may serve to eliminate communication barriers and also offers opportunities for flawless conversion.  Resolving conflict and holding meaningful dialogue can thus be facilitated for HR professionals. A study reveals that almost 90% of remote workers positively refer  to video conferencing in terms of improved connection with their colleagues. Without having to leave the office, video provides benefits in regards to safety regulations, through monitoring and resolving safety violations from remote locations as well as training larger groups of employees through interactive seminars.



  • Interactivity


Whether you use video for recruitment, training, or announcements, the interactive factor will benefit all areas. HR tasks often include orientation, ongoing trainings, professional development, and performance evaluation. Creating engaging and interactive materials around the tasks will likely improve retention and engagement, creating a direct and measurable impact on the results. Interactive videos may include clear directions on  filling out a reflection form or a questionnaire, or providing assessment questions to hear employee feedback.



  • Internal Communication


Corporate announcements are crucial to keep employees in the loop of what is going on. However, it is unlikely that they will be thrilled by receiving massive amounts of emails. Emails could be skimmed and not fully comprehended or understood, and may come across as distant and less interesting than the video alternative. Video provides a compelling and thorough connection with employees that increases the message’s impact and emotional reactions to news and other information. The announcements should be kept under 2 minutes and convey a simple message with engaging imagery. Use a clear structure and simple language. Is your company planning a new marketing campaign and you want your employees to start sharing company’s posts on social media to get the conversation going? Use videos to generate excitement and communicate stories in an easy, engaging way.


About the author:

Finja Kruse is a teacher in spe, who has worked with children of different ages and has a study job involving writing blogs and creating videos. She has experience with different educational tools and is engaged in creative writing activities in school. You can contact her via LinkedIn.

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