Survey Reveals Shocking Antics That Happen At The Office Christmas Party


A recent survey reveals who the rowdiest and wildest departments are at the office Christmas party, surprising regrets from office workers and top tips to give yourself before yours. Along with shocking confessions and further surprising statistics, this research will certainly prepare any office worker for the much-anticipated work Christmas party!



UK online printer, instantprint, recently conducted research in which 2,000 office workers were surveyed, asking a range of questions around what happens at their office Christmas party and awkward encounters they’ve experienced. From office workers asking their CEO for a new job, to chasing their boss around on the dance floor and falling through a marquee during a director’s speech. It’s fair to say, some office workers have behaved very badly at their office Christmas party.


Surprisingly, HR were revealed to be the wildest at the work Christmas party, with 40% of HR workers having considered handing in their notice the day after their party. Furthermore, 51% of HR workers admit they felt nervous about going into work the day after the party and 52% admitted they have said something which they regret.


It’s not just the HR workers who have sore heads the day after, the survey revealed that overall the Marketing and Sales department are the rowdiest or cause the most trouble at the Christmas party. Plus, Senior Management are deemed to show their true colours at parties and act differently to how they would normally act in the office.


According to the results, office workers in the North East are the region which party the hardest.


But, they’re not the only area full of regrets the day after, Scotland’s biggest regret is asking for a pay rise, South East are full of regrets about admitting fancying a colleague and Yorkshire and the Humber must not to be trusted, as their biggest regret is sharing co-worker’s secrets.


From the survey, the top ten tips which office workers give themselves before the Christmas party are:

  1. Have a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks.
  2. Don’t tell colleagues what you really think of them.
  3. Make sure you eat dinner beforehand.
  4. Book the next day off.
  5. Avoid deep conversations with the boss.
  6. Avoid the office creep.
  7. Dress appropriately – don’t wear too short a dress/don’t unbutton down shirt.
  8. Shots after 11pm are not a good idea.
  9. Give yourself a curfew.
  10. Just don’t go.

Enjoy further statistics and funny Christmas party confessions over on the website –

The post Survey Reveals Shocking Antics That Happen At The Office Christmas Party appeared first on HR News.

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