Online portfolios impress hiring decision makers

job-hunting graduates risk falling at the last hurdle by turning up for interviews without hard, visual evidence of their skills, experience and abilities, according to new research from the UK Domain.


The research reveals that nine in ten (88%) HR professionals are more likely to hire or proceed with a candidate that demonstrates their experience using a portfolio in an interview. However, less than a third of graduates (31%) have an online portfolio to showcase their achievements.2 Instead graduates rely on their CV (88%) and talking through their experience (59%) in an interview rather than highlighting their skills on a personal website.



With the average employer conducting 14 interviews for every job, the need for candidates to stand out from the crowd is clear.3 Yet across all professions, from accountancy to hairdressing, the role an online portfolio plays in the recruitment process remains unknown to most graduates. One in four say that recruiters haven’t communicated the benefits to them, and one in ten (12%) simply feel employers wouldn’t be interested in one.


The rise of the portfolio is expected to continue to displace the traditional CV. In five years, 40% of HR professionals think the CV will become digitised and 15% think they will be totally “non-existent”.


In fact, the study found that many HR professionals already want to delve deeper than the traditional CV and are using portfolios to identify the best candidates, as 89% think that in creating one the potential employee demonstrates many of the vital skills needed for the workplace.


Top skills employers look to find through an online portfolio

1. Presentation skills (61%)

2. Creativity (58%)

3. Organisation (49%)

4. IT skills (43%)

5. Dedication (39%)


Eleanor Bradley, COO of Nominet which runs the UK Domain, comments:


“The message from employers is clear: securing an interview is only half the battle. No matter what job you’re applying for, employers want to see the person behind the CV. An online portfolio is a great way of showcasing both your professional skills and your personality.


“The job market is booming, but the best roles will continue to be fiercely fought over. A well-designed personal website tells employers that you’re taking your career seriously, as well as illustrating your digital skills.”


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