A Guide To Saving Energy

1.         Keep Heating Appliances and Systems Maintained Properly

If you are thinking of ways to save natural gas at home, at the top of your list should be proper maintenance of your existing system. An aging natural gas water heater or furnace will likely become less energy-efficient with the passage of time.

Still, you can ensure that it keeps running efficiently by performing regular furnace inspections and maintenance. If you replace worn-out or leaky parts as needed will prevent your system from losing energy and running up your gas bill.

2.         Invest in the Right Insulation

To keep heat trapped inside your home and reduce your energy bills you need to invest in the right insulation. Sealing your doors and windows with weatherstripping or caulk is a great first step. Even using blinds or curtains to keep your windows covered when it is cold outside will retain the warm air in your home securely and reduce your energy consumption.

It can also be a good idea to insulate your water heater along with your doors and windows. You can even buy an attic tent to ensure that hot air doesn’t escape via the attic.

3.         Check for Blockages

The warm air produced by your natural gas heating system should flow freely throughout the home. Ensure that all necessary vents are open and assess your home’s layout to be sure that no bulky appliances or furniture block the vents.

If the air is unable to flow freely, the heating system will consume precious energy attempting to warm a home that is stubbornly refusing to warm up. Proper airflow, on the other hand, reduces the stress on your heating system and helps reduce the energy expenditure. For a boiler maintenance plan visit www.corgihomeplan.co.uk.

4.         Lower Your Thermostat

Lowering your thermostat, particularly during winter, when gas bills often soar, even by a few degrees can make a difference in your bill and will help you save as much as 5- to 10- percent.

If reducing the heat makes your home uncomfortable in the evenings, you can try reducing the temperature just at night, or during the day if family members are at work. If you still have a difficult time getting gas payments to a level that more manageable, check your thermostat settings and try seeing what adjustments can be made.

5.         Buy a Smart Thermostat

It can also be a good idea to invest in a smart thermostat for your home. A smart thermostat can be programmed to adjust the heat to your specific schedule, so you won’t be heating the house even when nobody is home or everyone is already in bed. That way, you will never forget to turn down the heat at night, and you will probably start seeing significant savings on your gas bill.

6.         Turn Your Water Heater Down

The water heaters in some homes are set as high as 140 degrees, but the vast majority of people don’t really need their water that hot. To save money on your gas bill, check the water heater to see whether you can lower the temperature with the possibility of still enjoying comfortable showers and having warm water for the dishes.

7.         Keep Your Windows and Doors Shut

Be sure to keep your windows and doors closed whenever the natural gas heating system is running. Opening the doors and windows can be a great way to cool off a hot house on summer evenings, but it can let valuable heat escape in the colder seasons. Keep your doors and windows shut to make the best use of your gas heat and keep your energy bills low.

8.         Be Aware

Being more aware of how you use your energy will help you save it. Turn off lights and heat when not using an area. Use night tariffs if you have them to charge things like cars and other battery powered items. Frugality can help a lot.

9.         Use the Fireplace Sparingly

A warm fire in your home will obviously be a soothing experience in winter, but much of the heat generated goes straight up the chimney. The vacuum left as the warm air is escaping draws in cold air via cracks or points of weakness in the insulation.

A traditional wood-burning fireplace can cause your home to lose up to 24,000 cubic feet of air in less than 1 hour. The unfortunate consequence of this effect is that your heating system is forced to work harder thus costing you more money.

The fireplace should be used as a special treat and instead let the natural gas system, which is more efficient, do much of the work when it comes to heating your home.

10.       Energy Use Diversification

If you find out that other energy sources in your area are actually more economical than natural gas, you may consider switching. For example, you may install electric heat pumps that help you save money by using less natural gas and more electricity. Alternatively, you may find that you can install affordable and efficient solar panels that help you save too.

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