Students’ Guide: 5 Best Ways to Improve Your Memory

If student life is focused on something excessively, it would be obtaining new knowledge. Well, at least in theory. Of course, youngsters these days have way too many things to care about. These include good old partying – even if Zoom ones are the only option – constant scrolling of social media feeds and who knows, maybe even a part-time job.

Getting back on track to attaining the knowledge part, there is one thing every aspiring learner needs to have. We are not talking about a great essay writer at some credible Engineering Assignment Writing Service here. The thing in question is memory and preferably a sharp one.

Indeed, having the ability to keep all the things going on around you in mind is the best-case scenario. Yet, not everyone is lucky enough to have it from childhood. And somehow many people don’t see memory as a skill, as something that can be trained.

The primary aim of this article is to prove to you, our dear reader, that you actually can boost this particular skill. Keep reading to find out the best way to improve your memory that will work just for you.

Finding the Best Way to Improve Your Memory 

If your aim is to sharpen your memory from your youth years let’s decide on one fact – this is a very smart move. Especially if you don’t only consider the short-term benefits but also the worldwide statistics on different diseases. The first and foremost is definitely Alzheimer’s. 

Current numbers are staggering, especially if we take into consideration the older population. As of now, one in nine people aged 65 has Alzheimer’s disease. Focusing on increasing your cognitive abilities in college is a great way to lower your chances of having dementia later on.

Thus, let’s proceed to our list where anyone will be able to find the best way to improve your memory!

Sugar Is Not Your Friend

There have been many food-related not proclaimed wars in today’s societies. Vegetarians and vegans make the case against meat consumption. Dermatologists claim that people should not be consuming this much milk if they want to have healthy skin, among other things.

The most recent “war” is, for sure, fighting sugar. Let’s throw one more argument to the pile here. In addition to many other problems people with a sweet tooth may face, there is an issue of cognitive decline. So, if you need to stay sharp and still have something great for your brain, you better have the darkest chocolate you can find. The less sugar you intake in general – the better!

Sleep Is Essential

Hardly any article on healthy habits for students goes without mentioning the importance of some quality sleep. And we won’t be an exception here. Of course, as a sophomore, fresher, or a junior you will defo have your own share of some pulled all-nighters. It might be even some sort of perverted fun but only at the very beginning.

In reality, 3-4 hours of sleep at night might actually spoil you the whole day ahead. Without proper rest, human beings do not function well. Therefore, while drawing your schedule, have your sleep in mind. Moreover, invest in some good furniture and pillows. This will help you immensely, and not only with sharpening memory.

Don’t Multitask. Just Don’t

Hopefully, the body of research on the drawbacks of multitasking is growing day by day. And rightfully so. Having your focus on many things at a time actually means no focus at all. Thus, here is the tip for you. Better divide your day into shorter sessions but focus on one thing during each.

This way is the best one to get into a so-called “zone.” If you haven’t yet experienced it, just believe us – the best research papers and even the whole theses are written in the zone. Of course, to prepare something as long as a dissertation you won’t do well with short study sessions.

Still, having your focus dispersed is a no-go. If you want to be in charge of what’s going on and remember things correctly, better abstain from multitasking.

Mnemonic Devices Are Cool

People get acquainted with mnemonics rather early in life. For many, it starts either at home or at a daycare facility. We learn the alphabet this way, some poems, and songs too. The best thing about mnemonics is that you can apply it to any subject even at your college or uni.

You’ll need to show some creativity, of course. For instance, to remember some specific subject or a bunch of complicated words if you are into foreign languages, here’s what you can do. Come up with some of the following:

  • a cute rhyme;
  • devise some seemingly stupid funny song;
  • concentrate on formulating a joke.

Once you do it and remember it once, there is almost no way to forget something as funny and silly in the future. Provided that you are not hit with amnesia for some reason, of course.

Structuring and Organizing Will Help

The last, yet also the best way to improve your memory, if you stick to this point, is to carve out some time and finally get all your matters in order. This is a broad topic, there are many items that might be of help in this regard.

From task managers like Trello and Asana to reducing your screen time – all is fair at its war for your productivity, efficiency, and, ultimately, great memory. The better you structure anything – from study materials to your daily routine – the more things will become easily achievable.

Thus, better do this organizing part as soon as you can. By the way, this includes having your home in tidiness. Experts claim that clear study and work places boost one’s efficiency. Having it all structures you’ll be able to gain new heights.

Final Words

Inherent sharp memory is a true gift. If you have it, appreciate this ability. If you don’t – no worries. There are many approaches, ways, and exercises that may prove helpful.

From focusing on one thing at a time to structuring your whole life, from mnemonics to consuming less sugary foods – the list can go on. The most important part is finding what works best for you and taking it seriously. Good luck with your endeavors!

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