The art of conducting performance appraisals

The much-maligned system of staff appraisals, scrapped by many, clearly had more of an impact on employee performance than many realised, with even the CIPD noting that where performance reviews were scrapped, staff performance was suffering.

When it comes to performance, the UK lags behind many of our European neighbours – so why can’t we get to the bottom of the productivity puzzle?

Britain’s output per hour worked is now 22.2% lower than that of the US, 22.7% lower than in France and 26.7% lower than in Germany. Italy has shown no productivity growth since the turn of the millennium but still leads the UK by more than 10% and the only G7 countries with weaker productivity than the UK are Japan and Canada.

Adrian Lewis, Commercial Director for cloud based HR software solution Activ People HR believes that reforming the appraisals process, rather than scrapping it altogether, is the only sensible way forward.

Adrian says:

“Obviously, as the developers of Activ Appraisals software, we don’t believe in scrapping appraisals – however, the manual process is flawed and doesn’t result in improved performance. It’s not the appraisal that’s at fault, but how they were being used.  


“I’ve produced a free guide to managing appraisals and performance reviews, which HR Managers can download from our website, which will help them encourage line managers to deliver more effective performance reviews.


“Whilst these steps are built into our software, all managers would benefit from following these practices to deliver real, measurable improvements in staff productivity and performance – even if they don’t have access to a cloud based system to make life easier.


“Overall, unless managers put steps in place to improve productivity, the UK will continue to look like the poor relation when it comes to staff productivity”

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