Putting a focus on health & safety at work: photography exhibition launched at People’s History Museum

The People’s History Museum in Manchester will host a free exhibition of winning photographs highlighting the importance of health and safety, from Thursday 31 August until Monday 4 September.

The 12 photographs, taken by trade union members and photography enthusiasts from across the UK, were chosen as the finalists of the Focus: on safety at work competition.

National trade union law firm Thompsons Solicitors – which is a sponsor of the PHM – launched the photography competition on International Workers Memorial Day earlier this year, to emphasize the importance of health and safety protection at a time of political upheaval and uncertainty.

Over 50 budding photographers entered the competition, and each interpreted the brief uniquely from their own personal perspective. The winning photographers have secured a place in the exhibition and a share of the £5,000 prize money.

The top 12 photographs were chosen by a select panel of judges including Kevin Maguire, associate editor of the Daily Mirror; Liz Snape, UNISON assistant general secretary; Nick McGowan Lowe, NUJ Freelance Photographers Industrial Council chair; Hugh Robertson, TUC senior policy officer; and Stephen Cavalier, Thompsons Solicitors chief executive.

Tom Jones, head of policy at Thompsons Solicitors said: “Our panel of guest judges were impressed not only by the level of technical skill and creativity demonstrated by participants, but also by their ability to communicate the serious message that health and safety laws and guidance play an essential role in keeping all workers safe and must never be taken for granted.

“Recent events have shown us that health and safety is not ‘unnecessary red tape’ but actually life-saving and should not be ignored. It is a vital that employers take their duties seriously and that the government safeguards legislation around worker safety in the wake of Brexit.”

The free Focus: on safety at work exhibition is on at the People’s History Museum in Manchester from Thursday 31 August to Monday 4 September. For more details visit www.thompsons.law/focus


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