4 Innovative Ways to Support Equality in the Workplace

Many companies are being forced to rethink their efforts to promote equality in the workplace. According to research done by Independent, one in four workers in the U.K. has experienced discrimination in the workplace. It is no longer acceptable for companies to discriminate based on age, sex, race, gender, or any other factor. As a brand, it is not enough to simply state that you promote equality, diversity, and inclusion. Companies must take action and advocate for those who are victims of discrimination. Through education, listening, and analyzing, businesses have the power to transform their establishments into advocates for equality.

With equality and inclusion being top priorities for many brands, there are now many resources that can help educate and equip your company on its path to equality. Below are four ways that we have seen exceptional brands engage their employees.

Idea 1: Provide Educational Resources to All Employee

It is important to educate all employees on the history of discrepancies in the workplace. Each employee should be equipped with resources that allow them to learn more about minority groups. These educational resources should provide guidelines that educate individuals on common forms of indirect discrimination, subtle biases, and offensive language.

Idea 2: Create a Safe Place

Every employee should have a safe place to retreat to if they are experiencing discrimination from a co-worker or client. There are consultants and resources that can assist brands as they work to create a safe environment. Create a space that encourages employees to voice their concerns, problems, and questions. Not only should this space be a place for people to express their frustration, it should be a place that encourages people to ask questions. If individuals are processing through ideas or need help uncovering their personal biases, a safe environment will allow them to process safely without harming others. Many companies opt to use the Together Platform to unify employees and create meaningful conversation. The Together Platform provides a mentorship structure that creates a place for each employee to feel valued.

Idea 3: Be Proactive

Don’t leave space for people to question what your company stands for. When you see issues, say something. It is important for employees to know that they are not only accepted, they are advocated for. Proactive statements and actions should come from the executive leaders of the company. Any prejudices held by the leadership team will inevitably trickle down through the chain of command. Having a leader who advocates for justice will enhance the strength and direction of the brand at-large.

Idea 4: Empower Other Voices        

It is important to recognize that as an organization, you do not have all of the answers. Consider inviting a guest speaker to address staff members and facilitate conversations about diversity in the workforce. Sometimes an outside voice can bring to light an issue that was not noticed before. In addition to engaging with guest speakers, consider elevating other brands and businesses. Could you give shout-outs to brands that are excelling in their effort to create an inclusive culture? Could you elevate minority-owned businesses?


The percentage of employees that face workplace discrimination across the UK  is stunning. It is not tolerable for brands to continue to function with age, sex, gender, and racial prejudices. Each and every company has a responsibility to evaluate their practices and halt any behaviors that may be a cause of discrimination. Not only do companies have a need to take action, each individual has a responsibility to educate themselves and alter any biased behavior.

If you have experienced discrimination in the workplace, see what your options are here.

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